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Five Stars Ontology

To accompany today’s publication in D-Lib Magazine of the article The Five Stars of Online Journal Articles – a framework for article evaluation highlighted in the previous post, I have today also published The Five Stars Ontology, a simple ontology written in OWL 2 DL that forms part of SPAR, a suite of Semantic Publishing and Referencing Ontologies. It is intended for use by publishers and others wishing to encode Five Stars ratings, such as those exemplified in the D-Lib article, in machine-readable form, so they can accompany other machine-readable metadata for the article.  To exemplify this, the following RDF graph, shown in turtle notation, gives the Five Stars ratings for the D-Lib article itself:

     fivestars:hasPeerReviewRating “3”^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger ;
     fivestars:peerReviewRatingComment “Post-publication responsive
          peer review of the preprint.” ;
     fivestars:hasOpenAccessRating “4”^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger ;
     fivestars:openAccessRatingComment “Gold/libre open access
          without author fee!” ;
     fivestars:hasEnhancedContentRating “1”^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger ;
     fivestars:enhancedContentRatingComment “Plentiful Web links in
          text and to all references. No additional semantic
          enhancement of text.” ;
     fivestars:hasAvailableDatasetsRating “0”^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger ;
     fivestars:availableDatasetsRatingComment “Not applicable.” ;
     fivestars:hasMachine-readableMetadataRating “1”^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger ;
     fivestars:machine-readableMetadataRatingComment “Structural
          markup in HTML only.” ;
     fivestars:hasOverallFiveStarsRating “9”^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger ;
     fivestars:overallFiveStarsRatingComment “The nature of this
          article, being a position paper rather than a research
          paper with primary research data, has influenced the
          overall rating obtained.” .

OpenEdition suggests that you cite this post as follows:
davidshotton (January 16, 2012). Five Stars Ontology. OpenCitations blog. Retrieved February 11, 2025 from

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